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By Fred Roe
(22nd in a series)
July 21, 2016 — I visited Harley.  It was late.  I intentionally went late, so no one would see me go.  Suspicion has become the standard of the day, ever since Michael has asked everyone to help root out anyone suspected of doing something wrong.  Ever since then, 911 has been flooded with calls from people reporting suspicious activities by their own neighbors.  One little boy was spotlighted by the national news media for his “heroic” act of turning in his own father (he was shacking up with another man at the time) who the son had seen talking about getting rid of Michael, because of the foreign troops being set up in this country.  The father has been arrested and sent to a correction facility for “political sensitivity training”.  I cannot even imagine what horror awaits him there.  So now, everyone is a spy and no one can be trusted.
     Harley was still awake.  I didn’t even call him first, because I am savvy enough to know that phone messages are probably being monitored.  After the niceties, I got to business.  “Harley, tell me what you know about the two Witnesses.  Who are they and why are they here?  Better yet, where are they mentioned in the Bible?”
     Harley sighed, “I don’t know a whole lot about them.  They are supposed to appear at the start of Tribulation and preach throughout Israel for three years, be murdered, then come back to life and be taken back to Heaven.”
     “So, who are they?”
     “Harley sighed, “The most popular guess is they are Moses and Elijah, the two most famous prophets in the Old Testament, but there are other guesses.  They haven’t exactly said themselves.  I don’t think they are here to promote themselves, but promote God.”
     “So, where are they mentioned in the Bible?”
     “I think they are mentioned in the Old Testament, but they appear in the book of Revelation.  The most important thing you need to notice, besides their message, is the length of time they are given to preach.  They are here for an exact amount of time.  We can start the clock rolling at June 6.  They will preach for I think three and a half years, but the Bible says exactly how long.  But the point is we can now pinpoint exactly how much time there is left on this earth, by doubling the number of days they preach.  Tribulation lasts for 7 years.  That seven-year period started on June 6, 2016.  Roll the clock forward, and we now know that the last day on earth will be June 6, 2023.  Lights out, earth as we know it.  That goes for Michael and Asa, and everyone who follows them — and us.”
      I felt a shiver go down my spine at the thought of an exact date for the end of the world.
“You mean, even if we decide to follow Christ, we’re doomed anyway?  That doesn’t make sense!”
      Harley shook his head, “I don’t know if the Bible says any different.  I don’t have a Bible, so I can’t find out for myself.”
      There was a long silence, and then I asked, “What happens next?  What can we expect to happen next in the world?”
      “In order?  War, inflation, disease and death.  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  Persecution of Christians in particular, chaos in the streets and the opening of the seven seals, all mentioned in Revelation.  And that’s just the easy part of Tribulation.  Wait until the second half.”
      “War?  What war?” I wondered.  “Michael has everything sewn up and under control.  So, where’s the war?”
       After I got home, I prepared to go to bed and turned on the TV to listen to the late news.  One of the reports was about the conditions in Azerbaijan where international troops had been accused of raping and looting.  Extra troops had been sent in along with heavy infantry and tanks, and a major effort was under way to annihilate any and all “rebel” forces.  Executions and arrests were being made.  Meanwhile, a naval task force had been sent to Myanmar or Burma, along with the aircraft carrier Admiral Nimitz.  Myanmar was one of the countries that turned Asa and his buddies out and told them they would rather die than join the new world order.
     Perhaps the war had already started — we just didn’t know it, yet.

July 29, 2016 — Well, I had two people come to my door over the weekend.  They were from Freedom From Religion, conducting their insidious survey.  They asked if I or any of my family went to church.  I was going to lie, but I’m tired of hiding, like being Christian was a bad thing, and I told them out front that I was proud that my husband and children were among those that disappeared and that they were good people who did no harm to anyone, and that they are in Heaven.
      They got belligerent.  I told them they have less than seven years to get their hearts right or they’ll burn in Hell along with a lot of other God-haters.  “You can hate me, hate my husband and children, hate Christians in general and you can hate the truth, but someday soon, you will pay with your soul for that hate.”
     At that, I slammed the door in their face and told them to get off my property or my dog would deal with them.  It wasn’t exactly a really good conversation, and Bob would have been mad at me for such a foul attitude, but I’m getting just a little fed up with all the Christian bashing going on all over the planet.  And I’m tired of being in the shadows and acting afraid to go anywhere out of being suspected that I’m some sort of criminal or something.  That evening, I walked down to Harley and told him what happened.  He was alarmed, “Tab!  You are in danger!  Do you know who those people are?  They answer to Homeland Security, and Homeland Security answers to Michael Stewart!  They’ll kill you!”
     “Good!”  I answered.  “Then maybe I’ll be with Jesus and my family.  Sounds like a win-win situation.  I speak up for God, and God gives me back my family.  Sounds like a pretty good deal, to me.”
     The die is cast.  Now, I have to figure out what I’m going to do, next.  I’m not going to wait to be arrested, though.  I’ve got to get out of here.  My life is in danger.  Oh!  What have I done?  What was I thinking?  I’m not sorry, though. 
     I’m not sorry for standing up for my Lord Jesus Christ.
©2012 Fred Roe / Hill ’n Holler Review

For links to previous posts in this series, go HERE.