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Micah Johnson (Facebook photo)

Micah Johnson (Facebook photo)

Dallas, Tex. — A single shooter seems to be responsible for the Dallas police massacre Thursday night during a “Black Lives Matter” protest march downtown.
Dallas police are trying to piece together a bigger picture but so far have not received any information from the three other unidentified suspects they have in custody. One is a woman they arrested at the parking garage and two others were picked up on a traffic stop.
The 25-year-old single shooter was identified as Micah Johnson of Mesquite, Tex., a former Army reservist, who, according to Police Chief David Brown, during his standoff with police Thursday night said he was upset about recent police shootings and wanted to kill white police officers — which he did. Police Chief Brown is black. Johnson, who set himself up as a sniper in the El Centro College parking garage, is believed to have shot 12 officers. Five are dead and seven are wounded. Two civilians were also shot.
After police tried for several hours to negotiate a surrender with Johnson and failed, they sent in a robot armed with a explosive device and killed him.
Johnson told negotiators that he’d acted alone in the shooting and was unaffiliated with any group, but because of the scope and plan of the attack, police are not satisfied that Johnson worked alone.
Johnson told them that explosive devices had been planted in the garage and elsewhere downtown but police have been unable to find any.
Searching Johnson’s home in Mesquite, detectives found bomb making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics.
Johnson did not have a criminal record.
PFC Micah Johnson

PFC Micah Johnson

Johnson was a PFC in the Army Reserve from March 2009 until April 2015. He was deployed as a carpenter in Afghanistan from November 2014 until July 2014. While in high school in Mesquite he was in the Junior ROTC.

President Barack Obama, who earlier Thursday had deplored the disparate treatment of races by our criminal justice system over shooting of black men earlier this week, reacted to the Dallas massacre as a “vicious, calculated and despicable attack on law enforcement.” To view more of President Obama’s remarks regarding the shootings in Dallas, click Obama remarks on Dallas shootings

The President has accepted an invitation from Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings to travel to Dallas early next week.
To view the Hill ’n Holler’s previous story on the incidents in Dallas, click HERE.

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